11812581 Participants facebook allowed to look at ourselves
Members of social network facebook got an opportunity to look at your page through the eyes of others. On this and other changes to the privacy settings said in an official blog facebook social networking leader Paul Durov. Under "Privacy Settings" you can see how people can see his page that are not registered facebook, or members of social networks, depending on the status of their relationship with the user. In addition to the generic page, it is possible to look through the eyes of any particular user's facebook, entering his nickname. Also, the user was able to do some of the published content (photos, videos, notes, etc.) accessible to all, even if the overall setting for the page User restrict access to it. Separately Durov touched privacy settings for the status, saying that they were originally conceived as a public genre, but this property was partially lost after launch mode microblog. Durov promised to make status (displayed as its own user account on his wall) generally available within a week. Statuses are visible on the user page and the news of its subscribers. Facebook is the largest social network in Russia, it registered more than 100 million accounts.