10978045 Presidential Award for Young Scientists awarded for water on the Moon
In Moscow have been announced laureates of Russian President for young scientists in the field of science and innovation. The corresponding decree was signed on Monday, Dmitry Medvedev, is specified in the press service of the Kremlin. Usually the prize is awarded to four experts, but this year the awards were given to seven people. Among the winners included staff from the Institute of Space Research Maxim Mokrousov and Anton Sanin. The award was developed by scientists to bring their neutron detector LAND (LENDL – Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector, or a neutron detector for the study of the Moon), which was installed on the orbiter NASA LRO. Analysis of the data transmitted by the Russian detector, allowed to confirm the hypothesis of the existence of water on the moon. More information can be found here. Another winner was the fellow Mathematical Institute of VA Steklov Institute of Nikolai Andreev. He was awarded the prize for "good results in the creation of innovative educational technologies, the promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge" – is the first time that a presidential award for young scientists awarded for his efforts to popularize science. Andreev is the creator of the so-called mathematical studies – a task that clearly explain the meaning of certain concepts of mathematics and its applications. Etudes in the form of multimedia clips posted on a dedicated website. Also awarded was a senior researcher at the Institute for Nuclear Research, Dmitry Gorbunov. Prize awarded to him for "a series of works in the field of elementary particle physics and the fundamental problems of the universe." Three people were awarded prizes for the creation of a new high-composite material. "This composite is superior to their foreign counterparts on the operating temperatures and heat resistance, high durability and even the effect of" self-healing "microdefects", – said the representative of the All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM). His words were quoted by ITAR-TASS. Russian scientists created a composite to be used in the development of advanced propulsion and hypersonic aircraft. Prize for the creation of new material awarded Deputy General Director Denis VIAM Graschenkovu, Sector Head VIAM Natalia Uvarova, and Associate Professor of Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after MV Lomonosov Moscow State University Elizabeth Simonenko. Russian Federation President Prize in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists was established July 30, 2008 (the day the head of state signed a corresponding decree). The amount of премиум, awarded annually, is 2,5 million rubles.