The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for the area will expire at 8pm tonight. Once city residents get past today's heat, tomorrow will br.
If you have a medical condition or take medication, check with your physician about precautions you should take during hot weather. Family, friends, and neighbors who are at high risk will need extra help during this period of extreme heat.
Keyword : weather nyc. Date : June 9, 2011. Why was the keyword 'weather nyc' popular on June 9, 2011 ? weather nyc was a hot search term on June 9, 2011 in Google. Our system crawled the web for weather nyc and has
The furious weather took an additional funny spin today, with Weather in Boston, NYC, Philadelphia : Tornado Watches in Effect [Video]”
Heat waves are already one of the top weather-related killers in the US By the 2050s, New York City could see 47% to 95% more heat related deaths each year due to climate change, according to a Columbia University study published in the American