Also a best selling author, Summitt says she will rely on her coaching staff as she presses forward with her battle against early onset of dementia. When news of her condition, a type of Alzheimer's, support poured in
Also a best selling author, Summitt says she will rely on her coaching staff as she presses forward with her battle against early onset of dementia. When news of her condition, a type of Alzheimer's, support poured in
Summitt plans to coach "as long as the good Lord is willing" despite recently being diagnosed with early onset dementia. In a statement from Summitt released by the university on Tuesday, the Hall of Fame coach said she visited with doctors at the Mayo
Pat Summitt struggled for several months with how to tell the women's basketball players at Tennessee, recruits and fans that she was having memory loss problems. Finally, her son Tyler helped convince her to open up.
Pat Summitt plans to coach the Tennessee women's basketball team “as long as the good Lord is willing,” despite recently being diagnosed with early-onset dementia. “There's not going to be any pity party and I'll make