Today it was announced that the creator of “Vkontakte” Paul Durov control over the social network and has canceled the placement of its shares on the market.
- Syrian rebels an ultimatum to Assad
- Kidnapped tourists freed in Egypt, U.S.
- The Chinese are "merged" into the Internet, a new version of Windows 8
- The members of the State Duma are proposing to limit the possibility of the sale of shares in Internet companies and media to foreign investors
- Kazakh border guards found weapons killed
5 recent posts for today:
- Eiffel tower to be turned into green jungle
- Harry reid hits tea party republicans being led over the cliff by this extremism
- Obama appointee will be one of the strongest pro abortion justices on nation s most liberal court
- South africa s capital to be renamed in 2012
- France sent troops to cote d 39 ivoire