Hope that many of us have had the nightmare of the Obama presidency would end was lost in the night of November 6. In reality, however, “hope”, which was not much of a plan. The experiences I’ve had help companies and organizations to avoid bankruptcy, there is a very predictable pattern that organizations face when it comes to serious financial problems. The model consists of economic growth and prosperity followed by overspending. From overspending and for a period of denial is that something must change to solve the problem. The denial is failure. If the fault is accepted …
- Ray Nagin (Mr. Chocolate City) New Orleans only charged with 21 counts (heard on the radio).
- Medvedev checks his taxes in central government in "Lefortovo"
- ? askryty a new 8-inch tablet Samsung
- The murder Shcherban jury may consider
- FM: Moscow "List of Guantanamo Bay" responds "Magnitsky Act"