7 Responses to “Daily Mail”

  1. Ian Culbard says:

    Newsnight should interview Chairman of PCC Editors Code of Practice Committee Paul Dacre about Daily Mail and journalistic standards

  2. Newsround_Blog says:

    RT NicholasPegg: The Mail jumps the gun with prepared Knox guilty story. Perhaps the most embarrassing amp; immoral thing its ever done.

  3. Richard Price says:

    RT injculbard: Can we get rid of the Daily Mail now? I mean, if people are swept off the streets for hate speech, why do we print it?

  4. Brad Brooks says:

    RT ClaireLYoung: Amanda Knox story: Daily Mail Online reports on event that didnt happen with quotes that they made up

  5. Tommy Boy says:

    Why let fiction get in the way of the truth.

  6. Campbell Jones says:

    Daily Mail: Premier League lose pub football TV case

  7. Spurs News says:

    RT kevinmitchell50: Daily Mail accidentally publish version of Amanda Knox story with GUILTY verdict