"We are increasing the low investment in research by 2015 (they) make up 1%. This is more than two billion dollars, of which 60% will be spent on research "- said Nazarbayev. "There is no future for the company (which does not spend money on innovation and development, production), ...
In Almaty and Astana in late June and early July will be held in Kazakhstan Olympics III, IV championship in Central Asia and international competition in equestrian sports at the "President's Cup", "World Cup" and "Cup of Astana", informs "Interfax-Kazakhstan. "Competitions will be held under the patronage of the ...
A document signed by the Head of State on 17 May and published on Friday in the official press. The decree put into effect from the date of signing. The annex to the decree states that Jubilee Medal awarded to citizens of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens who have made ...
Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said the need for unprecedented action in the форекс market, reports Tengrinews.kz «The current monetary system does not meet the principles of legality and democracy, weaken growth, distorts macroeconomic fundamentals, interferes to solve global problems. To correct this deficiency will require drastic measures have not ...
"I have given the training of Kazakhstani personnel and his love of Kazakhstan, signed a special decree on conferring the title of Valery Gergiev" Қazaқstannyң eңbek sіңіrgen қayratkerі ", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev, rewarding outstanding musician.
This law is aimed at harmonizing and simplifying the procedural rules of patenting performed by patent offices of the States Parties. It also provides for simplification of requirements for applications, obtaining and maintaining patent. The law "On ratification of the Patent Law Treaty was adopted by the Senate ...
Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan sees new generation of patriots a nation of tolerant, reports Tengrinews.kz from the Palace of Peace and Harmony. "For 20 years we have raised generations of Kazakhs, who grew up in conditions of independence, which is difficult to imagine that it once was. Raised their ...
"Implementation of the industrial program must create the preconditions for the development of small and medium businesses, to whom we must give all necessary facilities and resources to work. However, I continue to receive many complaints from entrepreneurs to bias and corrupt judicial system, local authorities, financial police. Administrative ...
"We are implementing a program of forced industrial-innovative development program for the development of education and health, adopted by the main strategic documents for all industries, developed programs to support business, is preparing to release people's IPO. All this will ensure our post-crisis development. Thus today our clearly defined ...
Decision on awarding one of the main street named after Mr. Nazarbayev had been taken at a meeting maslikhat g.Nevshehir. At the opening ceremony of the Governor Abdurrahman Savas and the Mayor of Nevsehir Hasan Unver expressed satisfaction with the rapid development and achievements of the fraternal Kazakhstan under ...