14140891 WikiLeaks whistle presented 22 new charges
The U.S. Army has filed an ordinary Bradley Manning, who is suspected of transferring classified documents site WikiLeaks, 22 new charges. On Wednesday, March 2, according to Associated Press. Manning accused of using unauthorized software on military computers, illegal downloading and data transmission "enemies" of the United States. Accusations of collaboration against enemy soldiers, under the jurisdiction of the Code governing the legal relations in the army (in this case – the U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice) is reported to provide for the death penalty, but the representatives of the United States Army notified the lawyers Manning, they would not insist in court for capital punishment. "The new charges specify a wide range of crimes, who are accused of committing a Private First Class Manning," – said the representative of the Military District of Washington John Heyberlend (John Haberland).