"For those of September 27 this year Number of registered unemployed in the Sverdlovsk region amounted to 40 thousand 395 people, and the number of vacancies - 40 thousand 967 seats, ie, the workers most places, rather than the 500. In September there was a preponderance for the first ...
At 00.55 Moscow time there was a breakthrough Novotroitsk frosty water pipe diameter of 600 milimmetrov. Without water, kept 68 dwellings in which live about 20 thousand people, and eight pre-school, - he said. In real time over the liquidation of a car accident there are experts who ...
After Sunday's match in Krasnodar with the world champion according to WBO Dmitry Pirog, which Martirosyan courage and survived 10 rounds, he moved to the hospital. "Gennady is still in Krasnodar, he as always is present in the hospital - said Yakupov. - Together with husband, koiya keeps me ...
The next meeting of the commission to counter the encroachment of falsification of the situation was chaired by the chief of staff Sergei Naryshkin with the participation of politicians, civil servants, historians, and the heads of key media. They made the reservation, as in mediaprogosudarstvstve, cinema, literature and art ...
In Almaty on Saturday, October 1, alpine sports ensemble "Medeu" opens the 40th season of winter, about a journalist Tengrinews.kz stated CEO PCG FAC "Medeu" Alexander Goncharov. The mass ride will take place from Thursday to Sunday from 10.00 to 23.00 with a two-hour break to clean the ice. ...

Washington - The Obama administration set the stage Monday for the Supreme Court to rule early next year on the constitutionality of the president's healthcare law by declining to press for a full appeal in a lower court. The Justice Department announced it will forgo an appeal to the ...
According to these polls sample survey carried out in 46 regions of Russia, Russian citizens, constantly abusing alcohol (ie, monthly and more often), in addition to become less - 43 percent versus 49 percent in 2009, according to Current explanation. With this past year was less than those who ...
Secret Service Agent-Turned Senate Hopeful: 'I Like the President,' but 'Policies Just Wrong' After more than a decade protecting presidents with the Secret Service, Daniel Bongino is currently running against the policies that the most recent president he worked under - President Obama - has moved along. Bongino, who ...