Boris Shemyakin, koy was released under a provision, and Svetlana Timonin, koiya there under house arrest, shows charged under Article 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud) "- said the official.
Sick leave svevedgo sample with higher levels of defense against counterfeiting introduced in Russia from July 1, 2011. It was originally planned, they will immediately be filled not by hand, but on pc. However, the FSS did not have time to prepare within specialized software provisioning, and later release ...
Khabarovsk, September 27, AmurMedia. The next meeting of the Legislative Duma of Khabarovsk Territory will now transmit corr. RIA AmurMedia. The agenda of the integrated 48 questions: 2. On the plan of the Khabarovsk Krai Law № ZP-V-141 "On introduction of changes to the Charter of Khabarovsk Krai" (first ...
Finnish expert also shared his feelings on the debut of defender Juuso Hietanen and striker Roman Kon'kova. - Do not have the opportunity to declare itself satisfied with the play of his own team - leads the official website of "Torpedo" Yalonena words. - Children admitted negligence in many ...

ORETTO, PA, September 26, 2011 ( - A Catholic University in Pennsylvania has cancelled a scheduled appearance by prominent feminist journalist Ellen Goodman after the Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) drew attention to the conflict between Goodman's work and Catholic Church teaching on key issues. The Catholic watchdog group reported ...
"I ask you all to comply with official duty to the end .... To increase exposure and responsibility", - Putin has declared, addressing the members of the government. Finance managers chair became vacant on 26 September in later as President Dmitry Medvedev publicly reprimanded Kudrin for statements made during ...
Directly on the platform were presented with a claim to the debtor to appear before an appointment with a bailiff and a warning about criminal liability under st.157 the Criminal Code ("Deliberate evasion of maintenance-age children or disabled parents") added in the press service. Not expecting such a meeting ...
Despite the revelation Sunday that 24-year-old Asher Palmer and his infant son Yehonatan were murdered by terrorists and not killed in a car accident, their family has yet to receive the support normally given to those bereaved by terror. Relatives of the two victims told Maariv that the state ...
An Islamic cultural centre close to the site where New York 's World Trade Center once stood has opened quietly in spite of scenes last year of vehement protests from those who said the area should not house a mosque. The opening ceremony for the Park51 centre on ...