Travel on the planets of the Solar system is still great, but it does not prevent astronomers find tens and hundreds of new planets outside our solar system. American scientists, for example, found about sixty exoplanets stars that are neighbors to the Sun.
Scientists have named the three planets inhabited by intelligent beings
Posted By Russian Opinion. Under Progress Tags: beings, inhabited, intelligent, named, planets, Scientists, three
On the planet under the name of Gliese 667Cc is the atmosphere thick and temperature similar to us. Celestial body, which scientists dubbed as HD 85512 b, it can also be the destination of the aliens, because no time is recorded in the strange activity.
If you have a watch Heaven Dawn In fine weather, you can see looks like planets. Venus, Jupiter and March gathered in the morning sky together. Great photographers to capture astronomical phenomenon ...
Line-up Number of celestial bodies began yesterday evening, 8 in October. The moon begins to approach the visual said planets. However, it is still the highlight of this rather rare celestial activity to come ndash; 10 ...
The most notable this month is dazzling planet Venus in the east before sunrise. Look in the direction of the sunrise as dawn begins to light up the sky. Then, in the same part of the sky, that ' Jupiter will notice depending brilliant planet. Mars is also ...
Since the days of film " through the thorns to the stars " and an unforgettable reasonable squid, Professor Prulya, we all consider the obvious, which is completely covered with water, the plane seas happen and evolve life, although such argumentation way, like in the movies. ...
Ruddy and His colleagues looked at an unusual white dwarf SDSS J1242 + 5226 a constellation of Ursa Major, open 10 years ago. Then " RIA News " researchers to catch his little brightness ...
Saturn is above the earth 22 May. The gas giant rises to in the east and He sits on the in the west. His charisma magnitude of 0.0 is seen as constellation Scorpio.
A team of researchers and Engineers Georgia Institute of Technology built a mobile robot machine can work and under strict conditions Diving very carefully. The test device recently success culminated ...