Boevoi korabl VMS SSU USS Little Rock, vvedeny V ekspluataciju V dekabr 2017 God, ne Moet dobratsa do Porto pripiski vo Florida is-sa recordnum samorokov, soobshaet RIA Novosti. Little Rock astral vo ldah. Chrome Togo, V Portu Monreal ne okazalos dostatochnogo kolichestva bokserov.
Is meksikanskogo Cancun V Moskva vyletel Samolet, na Bartu kotorogo nahodatsa okolo 500 rossiyskih turistov, svidetelstvo dannie onlin-table Aeroporto Vnukovo.
DVI rossiyanki santrali na versine Gary Aconcagua V Argentina, wisata kotoroy sostavljaet pocti 7 this m AB atom soobshaet telekanal "360" so ssylki na Istochnik V posolstve Rossii V Argentina.
In the tunnel lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line of the Moscow metro is stuck in a cutting on the train, reported RIA "news", with reference to a healthcare source in the emergency services.
The man is trying to hide in the back of the machine for the transport of waste. In Philadelphia, in the united states of america, the 33-year-old prisoner was trapped in the truck for the transport of waste, while trying to escape from the prison, reports of the with ...
The animals crawl into the engine compartment of the official car
Employees of the police Department of the city of La Verne (California) posted on his page on the social network Facebook video with the Teddy bear that I have my head stuck in a plastic cup. In the video, photo, July 8, was to look about 73 thousand times. The ...
In Moscow, the idea absurd to be stuck to stel’n secret channel of communication with his son trumps
Son-in-law and Advisor to the President of the United States of america Jared Kushner is presented to the Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergey Kislyak to skep'n "secret channel" of communication with Moscow. This "Izvestia" sê'n senior source in the Russian diplomatic circles, called such speculation absurd.
In New Zealand about 200 pilot whales-pilot whales beach on the land in the area of the Cape Farwell in the North of the South island. In the Department for the protection of natural resources suggests dat'n swarm of whales could skrik'n shark. On the banks were hundreds of volunteers.
On Wednesday, sixteen people were literally caught in the ride at Busch Gardens theme park in the U.S. city of Tampa, Florida, reported NBC.